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Jun 30, 2017

I've long struggled to know how to advise people with regard to debt. On the one hand, the use of debt can dramatically increase the financial returns of an investment. On the other hand, debt can have a dramatic negative impact on the lifestyle of the borrower when everything goes wrong.

So, how do we reconcile these...

Jun 21, 2017

I've alluded to my long-term guess that the US Government will default on many of its current promises.

But, I've never really supported that argument.

I thought I'd kick that support off today by sharing with you a succinct and coherent description of the problem by reading Professor Laurence Kotlikoff's testimony to...

Jun 19, 2017

I've never invested in raw land. My #1 reason? Since raw land has no utility, there's no way to pull income from it. And at this stage of my life, I value income-producing assets.

But, my guest on today's show has a great system for solving that problem.

He has parlayed raw land into a very helpful income stream leading...

Jun 14, 2017

Today's episode is Part 2 of a mini-series on the seasons of life.

The world of work is changing rapidly. We find ourselves pressed on all sides to do more work and different work.

And yet in personal finance circles, the focus of our conversation is quite frequently how to get out of work.

I believe work is a blessing...

Jun 12, 2017

Poverty is hard. Money helps to make life less hard. But, in our modern world, it's hard to figure out how much money is enough.

As you go through the seasons of your life the usefulness of money will wax and wane.

Money comes with a cost: time, labor, risk, attention.

You need to think carefully about the season of...