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Jan 31, 2017

Perhaps you've noticed that the topic of refugees has been in the news. The recent news sparked this question in the Radical Personal Finance Facebook group.

If I were unexpectedly detained/deported while I was traveling, with the uncertainty of my job or my possessions (or even my bank accounts) being accessible to me...

Jan 27, 2017

I'm traveling today (appropriately enough), so I'm not able to serve you with a Q&A show today.

Instead, enjoy this recording of my appearance on the Nomad Together Podcast!

This show originally appeared on September 8, 2016 right here:

Jan 26, 2017

I have a special treat for you today.

If you had the chance to sit down with the former President and CEO of Lehman Brothers and talk about his career and money, would you take that chance?

Well, I did.

And today I share it with you!

I sat down with my friend Andy Sage here at his home in Palm Beach with the microphones...

Jan 25, 2017

I love to learn from people who have experienced great success in their lives.

But sometimes, you can learn more from failure than success!

Today, I've invited a new friend of mine on the show to learn what she learned from her massive failures in the past!

She and her husband were on the fast track toward wealth...

Jan 24, 2017

My guests today are Joel and Alexis. I met them while hanging out at Camp Mustache SE in Gainesville and was intrigued by their story!

They went from being a fairly typical young couple with a small savings rate to being radical Mustachians, on track to retire in the next few years!

Enjoy learning how they worked...