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Feb 28, 2017

Today I answer this listener question:

Hi Joshua,

I am a 22 year old recent college graduate. I have since landed a job and have been working for about 4 months now. Prior to graduating college, I was much less educated on money matters and hardly mindful about my personal finances. Upon graduating, I realized that I...

Feb 27, 2017

Today, I answer this question from a listener:

Joshua- Fan of the show and a Naval Officer. I have some questions on overall investing strategy.  I have close to 17 years in the Navy and will likely retire at 20 with a full pension (about $55k/year before taxes), currently have $440k in retirement savings for my wife...

Feb 22, 2017

Listener Allyn writes in with this question: "What are your thoughts on using whole life insurance as a college savings plan? If you don't like it, why?"

My thoughts are in the show!


  • Thank you for supporting the show on Patreon!

Feb 14, 2017

Different people learn in different ways. For that reason, we need many new approaches to helping people learn about financial independence.

I'm glad to bring my new friends Jonathan and Brad on the show to talk about their project

Operating under the banner "Experiments in Financial Independence," they're...