Jan 27, 2020
I'm fascinated by the reports and videos coming out of Wuhan, China. I've never before seen a city of 11 million people shut down for a quarantine. I don't think it's every been done before! But it's amazing to watch.
Today, I want you to think about what would happen to you and your family if you were quarantined for an extended time.
If I sent you home and said you and your family had to stay there for the next 30 days, could you do it? Would you survive? Would you be comfortable?
If not, you're behaving irresponsibly. And you need to prepare for such a thing.
To start, you probably need to buy some food. In this show I give you some practical foods to start with.
P.S. Sign up for my live webinar series on Practical Family Preparedness: www.RadicalPreparedness.com