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Nov 25, 2015

Does being frugal and building financial independence mean that you can't have any fun? And, is it possible to get through college on a budget and still have fun?

Today we have a fun discussion with Martin Dasko from the personal finance blog Studenomics.

Martin has an awesome approach to teaching young men and...

Nov 24, 2015

It's easy to jump into holiday mode, but don't jump just yet! Let's keep our work boots on and learn just a little bit about investing today before we get into the Thanksgiving holiday.

My guest today is Rick Ferri, founder of a company called Portfolio Solutions. Rick is a really great guy and a real expert at...

Nov 24, 2015

Today on Radical Personal Finance I'm pleased to introduce you to a brand-new sponsor! And, it's a sponsor who will help you save some cash!

I've been aware of SoFi for quite awhile and they were high on my list of brainstormed potential sponsors for the show. I was finally able to connect with them at #FinCon15 in...

Nov 21, 2015

During October and November I've been doing a weekly conference call with Patrons of the show. 

We've been talking about all kinds of interesting subjects!

On today's call we chatted about:

  • disability insurance (including disability overhead expense insurance and cash indemnity long-term care policies)
  • investment...

Nov 19, 2015

We talk a lot about diversification within the context of investments. But what about diversification of your income?

After all, how risky is it for you to depend on a single source of income to fund your life and lifestyle?

The paradox is this: the more specialized you become in your career, the more you can earn. But...