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Apr 2, 2015

You can’t go from broke to rich in a single step. There’s no magic fairy who will suddenly transform your financial life for you. You have to do it yourself.

But you can work your way through a path that leads to financial independence and complete abundance. That path has stages and you should celebrate your progress at every stage!

In today's show, I share with you my ideas regarding the stages of financial independence. I believe this is a useful roadmap to help you navigate from where you are to total Financial Abundance.

Stage 0: Financial Dependence

Stage 1: Financial Solvency

Stage 2: Financial Stability

Stage 3: Debt Freedom

Stage 4: Financial Security

Stage 5: Financial Independence

Stage 6: Financial Freedom

Stage 7: Financial Abundance

My challenge to you is to take these stages, understand where you are, and lay out the numbers of your own situation. How much do you need to be financially stable? What's your number for financial independence? Financial freedom?

Write it down clearly for yourself and then keep working on it!

Enjoy the show,

