Oct 18, 2017
Today, we handle this interesting question from a listener:
"In talking about Samaritan to a pastor-friend he threw out the scenario that your middle school age son is injured in an accident while riding in a friend's car, and the police find marijuana in the car--what happens?
When I asked a Samaritan rep about it he said their board would carefully review the situation and if they deemed that your son wasn't responsible for/aware of the pot then his injury would be covered; if he was responsible/aware then he would not be covered.
While my kids are all under 8 right now and this scenario is a ways off as a possibility for us, I'm concerned that when they reach middle/high school age I may need to look into alternatives for a couple reasons: (1) I'm not fully convinced of an investigatory board's ability to discern for sure in such a scenario what was going on and (2) while I'm teaching my kids to obey their parents and the civil authorities, they are still sinners and, growing up being a learning process, I'm concerned that if one of my kids made a stupid choice as a 14 year old it could significantly haunt the whole family for a long time.
What are your thoughts on medical-sharing plans and this sort of scenario? (Obviously this is just one example of the many ways a child could make a sinful and stupid decision while still under their parent's care that could have long-term ramifications.)"