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Jun 2, 2023

On today's Friday Q&A show we cover:

  • 00:48 I just moved to Dubai for work. What should I do first?
  • 16:29 Should I have my 7-year-old learn French by reading?
  • 30:53 I'm ready to retire early...or am I?
  • 47:27 Do I agree with the concepts in Die With Zero by Bill Perkins?
  • 1:01:52 Can I get a great deal on property in Argentina or Venezuela due to the hyperinflation there?
  • 1:10:40 Should I consider moving abroad with my young children?
  • 1:19:09 If we're not going to start non-profits, what should we do?
  • 1:41:00 How does Joshua do consulting calls?
