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Jun 29, 2015

Today I'm pleased to share with you an interview with Lauren Bowling from!

Lauren has a really interesting story surrounding personal finance: After getting her degree in theater, and racking up thousands of dollars in credit card debt in college, she moved to New York City with $300 in her pocket. While there she landed a sweet job on Wall Street which sparked her interest in personal finance and helped her kick her bad money habits for good.

Three years, three cities, one home purchase, and nearly 2,000 blog posts later, Bowling is an expert at mastering tricky post-college finances. In addition to blogging on L Bee and the Money Tree (LBMT), Bowling is the host of the award-winning internet talk show, Awkward Money Chat. Bowling’s writing has been seen on Business Insider,, Learnvest, Yahoo! Finance, and The Huffington Post. As a source, Lauren’s expertise has also been featured in such notable publications as Redbook Magazine, HGTV, and Daily Worth (See here for the full list.)

She spends her free time renovating her first home, enjoying good wine while avoiding the kitchen, and “killing it” at karaoke. She’s even been known to act in a musical or two. By day Bowling works full time in marketing and resides in Atlanta, Georgia.

Enjoy the show!
